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Northland Reliability Project

Northland Reliability Project

State review process

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Routing a transmission line is no small task. The state of Minnesota has statutes and rules that guide the route development process and help minimize a project's impact to people and the environment. Input from you, local leaders and agencies, as well as our own expertise, was critical in the development of the route we proposed in our application.

Regulatory process

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  1. Minnesota Public Utilities Commission receives a site or route permit application
  2. Environmental Review conducted by Department of Commerce, Energy Environmental Review and Analysis, finding facts, data and identifying uncertainties
  3. Public Hearings conducted by Office of Administrative Hearings for advocacy, weighing and reasoning
  4. All report and environmental review document submitted to the commission.
  5. Permit Decision by Public Utilities Commission
  6. Judicial Review
  • August 2023: We submitted our proposed route in our application for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit to the Minnesota PUC.
  • October 2023: The PUC and Department of Commerce held scoping meetings in October 2023 and through that process identified routing alternatives to be evaluated in an Environmental Assessment.
  • March 2024: An Environmental Assessment Scoping Decision was published in March 2024.
  • June 2024: An Environmental Assessment was published by the Department of Commerce on June 28, 2024.
  • July 2024: Public hearings held on the project July 22 – 26, 2024.

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  • Certificate of Need use docket 22-416
  • Route Permit use docket 22-415