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Northland Reliability Project

Northland Reliability Project


Proposed route

In August 2023, we submitted our proposed route in our application for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

Click or tap on the boxes in the map to view a detailed map of our proposed route.

Scoping route alternatives

In Minnesota, the ‘scoping process’ is used by the PUC and Department of Commerce (DOC) to identify a range of alternatives, potential impacts and significant issues relating to a project. During the fall of 2023, the PUC and DOC held scoping meetings and identified routing alternatives to be evaluated in an Environmental Assessment.

Click or tap on the boxes in the map to view a detailed map of the route alternatives developed by the PUC and Department of Commerce.

Interactive map

Use this interactive map to view the proposed route and routing alternatives. Comments submitted through this map will be provided to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. For more information on the Environmental Assessment, visit MN Department of Commerce's project page.

Have a general comment? Fill out our comment form.

How to comment

  • 1

    Zoom and pan within the map to locate your area of interest.

  • 2 Buttons to use for commmenting

    Click or tap the lightbulb icon in the top left corner. Then click on the ‘Add a comment’ icon.

  • 3

    Click on the map and complete the comment form.

All comments submitted prior to April 2024 have been removed and archived.